Living in the kingdom of God
Welcome back to the Josh Brake Church Plant Podcast! In this episode, we dive into the transformative message of the Kingdom of God. Josh Brake explores the foundational theology that is driving his church planting journey in Dallas, emphasizing the present reality of God's Kingdom. Tune in to hear powerful personal testimonies of healing and deliverance that serve as evidence of the Kingdom's tangible impact.
Key Highlights:
* The core vision of the Kingdom of God and its theological foundation.
* An overview of the concept of linear time vs. kairos moments in biblical context.
* Insights into the present evil age versus the future age to come.
* Personal testimonies of healing and deliverance experienced by Josh.
* Encouragement for listeners to actively demonstrate the Kingdom through signs and wonders.
* "The powers of the future age are now present."
* "It should be normative for the believer to see these signs and wonders follow them where they go."
* "If you're listening and this stirs you up, I'd encourage you, the next sick person you see, pray for them."
* "Kingdom Theology" – A core principle inspired by the teachings of the Vineyard Church and John Wimber.
* "John 14" – Jesus' promise of greater works for his followers.
* The Branch Church – Learn more about Josh Brake's home church and ministry.