Healing and Deliverance in Ministry
Josh Brake: What's going on people?
How you doing?
Good to be back with you.
Uh, this week and another um, awesome
week of ministry Really saw the lord
Move in power last night in our group
and can't wait to share that with you You
know, these stories are amazing y'all.
I mean I wish that you all could be in the
room while these stories are unfolding.
So again, here's the invite
a Sunday nights at a farmer's
branch campus from five to seven.
We eat dinner together, we worship,
I'll teach for a little bit.
And then we invite the Holy spirit
and we go where he wants us to go.
And that's how it goes every Sunday night.
And last week I shared some stories about
My time at the Blessing Church with Pastor
Yoon and there's some powerful testimonies
of healing and deliverance and Stuff
that went on there and I probably didn't
even touch on some of the stuff that
happened I should have taken better notes.
But anyways this last week
yesterday In fact, I'm recording
this on Monday last night.
We had our group and there were
probably 10 to 12 and it was Almost
all sober living guys, these men
in recovery that were there and we,
so, so we worshiped and I preached
on Jesus being the bread of life.
And just walk through that
passage in John six and seven.
There's a lot of scripture,
but it was good stuff.
I mean, not my sir.
I didn't mean my sermon was good stuff.
I mean, that story is good stuff
and being able to talk about it with
that group of guys is good stuff.
It's really fun.
So after that, we then invited the
Holy Spirit and while we were, while
we were waiting, so just to get
paint a picture, we say, come Holy
Spirit, we asked you would give us
direction, how you would like us to.
To to move and pray now and we wait
and it's silent in the room And last
night one of the sla guys jumped in
and prayed during the time of silence,
which was totally fine It was a powerful
prayer And and so we just kept listening
and then I felt like in that moment.
I started getting My eyes started really
warming up And that they hadn't been warm,
but they were starting to get pretty warm.
So I, I just became aware of that
and I asked the Lord what that was.
And, uh, he just, he just told
me to ask if anybody has problems
with their eyes just generally.
So I said, okay, great.
So while I'm hearing that, Sal was
hearing that, um, he, he started getting
pain in his neck and his shoulder.
I believe it was on the left side.
Left side.
And so I share about the eyes
and there were three of them.
There were three or so in
the room who had eye issues.
One was allergies, where their
eyelids kind of swell up and
have bad, bad eye allergies.
The other one was, was a guy who I just
met named, um, well, I guess I shouldn't
share names, but, um, he, he, uh, has
really bad eyesight because of diabetes
and he can't really control the diabetes.
He doesn't have the resources for that.
There's like some sort of buildup behind
the lenses of his eyes and he can't see.
And he was, he had, um,
glasses on the whole night.
And we said, okay, great.
We're going to pray for that.
And so we kind of like disperse and I say,
if your condition was named, go ahead and
stand up and we'll pray for you first.
And so Sal went over to the man who had
the really painful neck and shoulder.
And I went over to this
man with the diabetes.
Uh, another guy went over to
another guy who was wanting.
spiritual sight was what
his prayer request was.
And when I said eyes,
that's what he thought of.
So I had a guy praying for him.
So we all kind of start praying.
I start praying for this guy with
diabetes and sure enough, sooner or
later everybody is surrounding this guy.
We all start praying for him.
But before we, I forgot to say this
before we started praying for him, he
tells us, I do want prayer for my eyes.
I need prayer for something else too.
And he goes on to share
that tomorrow morning.
So this morning, right now as I'm
recording this, he is going to call his
parole officer who he has been, I don't
know if he's been ignoring or just hasn't
been in touch with, which is a big no, no.
I don't know what this guy has done.
He didn't share what he has
done, but he basically said, when
I call my parole officer, I'm
looking at 25 to life in prison.
And he knows it's the right thing to do.
But he doesn't want to do it and he's
terrified but he's gonna do it because
it's the right thing to do And god's
got him It's just powerful, right?
He wants, he wants to do the right
thing, even if it means that he
was going to go to jail for life.
Well, I, the Lord had been had me in
Joseph that morning, yesterday morning.
And when Joseph gets put in prison, it
says the Lord was with him and showed
him steadfast love and gave him favor.
So I just started praying that
over him and we all surrounded him.
There's like, you know, six hands laying
on this guy and I kind of kick us off.
Another man starts praying
for him and we just kind of
wait and we invite the spirit.
I then start praying for anything unclean.
Uh, to come out any spirit to
lift off of him and to come out.
Now, let me just say something.
I was talking to my wife last night
and I think she, she's obviously
got a lot of wisdom and discernment.
She just was like, well, don't,
don't just be going around thinking
everybody is possessed and every time
you pray for someone, don't pray that
demons will leave them every time.
And I'm like, that's, you
know, that's, that's true.
I don't feel like I do that, but
as I tell stories on this, it may
sound like I do that every time.
But I just have, I'm learning
how to be very discerning.
And if I sense there might be some sort of
demonic activity, don't just call it out,
but have a conversation with the person.
Just kind of lean in, poke around
a little bit through conversation.
But in this moment, he was so
receptive to anything the Lord had.
I felt like it was a safe place
to just, I said, if there is any,
I didn't know if there was, but.
You know, these guys, this guy
specifically, I knew a little bit
of his story and there's a good
chance, you know, something's there.
And so I just said, if anything
unclean, just come out in the name
of Jesus and come Holy Spirit.
We just waited and you could visibly
see the spirit descend on him.
He, his hands were
clasped in front of him.
And as the spirit descended on him, his,
I encouraged him to, to unlock his hands
and relax, but they were down by his side.
And as the spirit descended,
his hands ascended and raised.
So he is just, you just see heaven
invading this man and his eyes are up.
He's looking, his eyes are closed,
but his face is towards the sky.
He is just receiving everything the
Lord has for him and his, and I'm
just, you know, I'm just telling you
what I saw, his eyes start rolling
around in the back of his head.
He's saying, Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus.
And you can see it on him, like,
this dude's about to collapse.
You're like, he's not sturdy right now.
So I'm like, okay, should
we have him sit down?
Should we just wait?
And before I even make a decision,
it's like someone kicked him in
the back and the dude fell forward.
He didn't just collapse
underneath the weight of himself.
He, he like flew forward.
I'm not saying like five yards.
Like he, he, from where he was standing
tipped over forward, almost like someone
kicked him in the back or pushed him.
And me and another man caught him and
laid him down and he wasn't just woozy.
He was unconscious for
about 10 to 15 seconds.
He was out like a light and me and another
man were praying over him and just with
our hand on his back, looking at him.
Sure enough, his eyes open and
we look at him and I'm like,
Hey, how are you feeling?
And he's still laying on the ground on
his stomach with his head to the side.
And he says, I feel so light.
I feel so at peace.
And I'm like, that's amazing.
Praise God.
Just stay there, man.
Just just rest in his presence right now.
Just let him live on yet.
So he just kind of laid there for
another two, three minutes, eventually
got up and was giving everybody
a hug and looked like a new man.
The agitation he was feeling,
that anxiety, that fear
he was feeling was gone.
Um, he was experiencing deliverance
and freedom in ways he's probably
not experienced in a very long time.
And, uh, I don't even ask him
about his eyesight, right?
Because that's what originally led
us to pray for him was eyesight.
I didn't even ask about it.
He comes to me afterwards.
He's like, Oh, hey, by the way, I can see.
I'm like, what are you talking about?
He's like, yeah, I, I can see his head.
And he's holding his glasses
that he had on his face all day.
Night, he's holding the glasses
in his hand and he's saying I can
see and I'm like, are you serious?
What does that guy's hat say?
He looks across the room and he reads the
guy's hat for me accurately and I'm like,
okay What's that clock say over there?
Read that clock.
It was an analog clock, right?
Is that what it is?
Yeah analog clock.
I can barely read those and
I got contacts in right?
So anyways, he looks at the clock
and he tells me what time the
clock says The dude was healed.
His eyes were opened.
I don't know if his diabetes is gone.
I know that he could not see and after
we prayed and he was delivered he could
see and It was it was just amazing
and he leaves the room probably headed
to prison for the rest of his life At
least 25 years With more joy on his
face than I had seen that whole night.
It was incredible.
It was so powerful.
Meanwhile, Sal's praying for this
other man for his back and that
guy's crying and he's snotty.
God's touching his back and his shoulder.
Turns out he's been in a, he
was in a dart bus accident.
I think he has some sort of fracture
in his spine has been in pain for
so long and once it gone and um,
there, Sal was praying for him
and It was just really powerful.
I don't really know an update on him.
If his back was healed or
better, I'm not really sure.
I think he was better.
And then after everybody left, uh, one
of our other friends, Jackson, he goes,
Oh, also, um, that word about the neck
and the shoulder was actually mine too.
I slept on it wrong a week ago
and, um, and, uh, slept on it.
Slept on it wrong a week ago.
And it's been really painful ever since.
And so Sal, we lay hands out praise
that I prayed into some stuff as well.
Um, another man has him kind of test
out his neck and move it around.
And he says, the moment you guys
started praying, I felt heat all along
my neck and my back and it's healed.
He's like the words he used where it is
remarkably better and you could tell.
And then, so we, I contacted him this
morning and he said he slept great and
the pain is significantly less this
morning than it was, uh, last night.
So man, that was a crazy night.
I'm feeling stirred up even sharing
these stories because this stuff I
just, God is so eager for his kingdom.
To manifest on this side of the
grave, on this side of heaven.
And do I think everybody will receive
the breakthrough that they need?
I, I don't, I don't, I'm not
living with my head in the sand.
I know that we pray for
people that nothing happens.
I prayed for a woman and her daughter
yesterday morning for healing for
some stuff and nothing happens.
I mean, Everything happens when we pray.
No, something happens every time we
pray, but we didn't see the breakthrough
we were asking for in that moment.
So I understand that not all of it
will happen, but I do know that Jesus
wants to confirm the message of the
gospel and attest to it with signs and
wonders like healing and deliverance.
And last night we preached the gospel of
Jesus, that he is the bread of life, that
he alone can satisfy your heart, your
soul, the deepest longings of your spirit.
He alone can satisfy them.
And when you come to him, you
will never hunger or thirst again.
And then we preach that and
then we invited the spirit
to confirm that message.
And he did powerfully last night.
And did everyone get the breakthrough
healing that they needed last night?
No, there were guys that weren't engaged.
There were people that didn't
really care to be there.
It seemed like one guy was
like sleeping the whole time.
Um, but there were three or four
that were hungry for Jesus and
they got what they came for.
And that is the nature
and character of Jesus.
If you are hungry for him and you
go to him, he will give you bread to
eat, which is himself, his presence.
So, man, I just, this whole Sunday
night thing is kind of rocking my world.
yeah, I'm not really sure what else.
There is to say, except I'm
very grateful to the Lord.
And I also think, I don't know where
everybody's at, who's listening to this.
I also think it speaks to the power of
the gifts of the spirit that we had no
direction, no idea how to pray until
the Lord let my eyes start heating up.
And one thing led to another, and
this guy's on the ground being
delivered and his eyes were healed.
But the root of his diabetes
may have been an unclean spirit.
You know, I don't know that for
fact, but we see that in scripture.
The woman who's hunched over,
right, Jesus delivers her from the
demonic spirit and then heals her.
So there's sometimes the root
of someone's physical ailment
could be a demonic presence.
Not every time.
I'm just saying that's possible.
And the only way we would have known
that last night is through a gift of
the spirit, through a word of knowledge
about eyes, and then just discernment
in the prayer process with me and those
other men who were praying for him.
Sal's word about the neck and the back.
I mean, it's like we're, we, where would
we be without the guests of the spirit?
We wouldn't know how to pray, what to do.
Uh, specifically word of knowledge, just
this spontaneous knowing of something
about someone that we shouldn't know.
There's no way we should know about it.
So, um, Yeah, I just, I want,
I want everybody to hear that we
as people of God are to be marked
by the presence and power of God.
Um, sometimes that power and
presence is for, uh, perseverance.
In the midst of trial
and sometimes it's for that
breakthrough in that moment.
And I want to be a person who walks in
both of those 24 seven, who is constantly
looking for the breakthrough while
constantly persevering in the face of
hardship because we are promised hardship
that will happen, especially as we begin
to move in the kingdom like we're seeing
happen on Sunday nights and beyond.
So, um,
that's it guys.
That's all I got for this week.
I'm trying to think if there's any
other updates y'all need to know, and
I don't think that there is right now.
Um, continue to pray for location for
name, um, for people to be stirred
up and recruited to come with us.
We do have, um, there's a couple that
committed to us last week saying that
they want to come launch with us.
So there's a few others that
are very serious about it.
I'm not sure if that's what the Lord wants
yet, but they're very serious about it.
So that's the answer to prayer.
There's people that I'm following
up with about fundraising.
As always, if you're listening
and you want to partner with us
financially, uh, go to Josh break.
Church, I think is what it is, Josh break.
And you can click on, um, the,
the donate there and, um, you can
actually partner with us financially.
Uh, and that would be such an
honor and a blessing for you to
partner with us in this work.
Um, so let me let me just close with
a with a blessing from The one that's
sticking out is the last verse of I
believe it's second corinthians at the
very end Paul says may the love of god
and the grace Wait, it's the may the may
the grace of jesus and the love of god
and the fellowship of the holy spirit
be with you All may you walk in intimacy
with the lord in power of the spirit
You And in the grace of Jesus that you
would be a place where heaven is invading
this earth Would you be quote unquote
heaven on wheels this week go in peace.
Love y'all.
Thanks for listening.
See you next time