Centered on His Presence
Josh Brake: Hey, everybody.
Welcome back.
I am sorry.
I did not re or record a podcast
in the last couple of weeks.
I need to be better about that.
Um, because I want to update you guys
unless you went on what's going on.
Uh, and, um, it's been a good week.
Abby and I were up in New Jersey
with her parents for the week
last week for Thanksgiving.
And, uh, it was a, it was a good
time, restful and just able to
see some family and hang out.
It was good.
Um, got back, was excited to get back
into just my rhythms, our rhythms
as a family, sleeping in my own bed.
It was nice.
Um, but, uh, it was, it was really good
to spend time with family, uh, some
family we don't get to see very often.
Yeah, that was good.
And so, uh, I don't, I don't have
many updates or, or testimonies per
se when it comes to God, uh, moved
in this way in this person's life.
Um, but I, I did want to share just
something that I have been processing,
uh, for a while, um, more intentionally
the last couple of weeks, but, uh, have
been thinking about this for a while.
So in Luke chapter 10, No, no, actually,
before I talk about Luke chapter 10, I
may have shared this a little bit of ago,
a little while ago related to, um, the
presence of God and how you see a thread.
Through scripture, uh, that, that
communicates this desire of God to be in
the midst of his people, that he's not
a God that's content to stay a far away.
He's not a God content that his people
just simply believe that he's everywhere.
Uh, he is only content and at home
when he is dwelling, manifesting,
unveiling his person, his presence.
In the midst of his people, like
down from the mountain in the midst
of his people, that's God's heart.
It's his desire when
he's building creation.
When he's speaking things into
existence, bringing order to the
chaos and light to the darkness.
What he's doing is building a
temple for himself to dwell in.
He wants to dwell in the
presence of his people.
And then you go to the tabernacle,
and he tells Moses and exodus 25.
He says, Hey, go.
And here's the blueprints.
Go build me a resting place, a tabernacle.
It means a dwelling place.
Build me a house.
that I will manifest my presence.
The God who dwells everywhere wants to
dwell somewhere in a specific place.
Um, and then you see Jesus
come, he sends the spirit.
Now the church is a body of people
that is marked by the presence of God
through the Holy Spirit in their midst.
And then you look in revelation 21, it
says the dwelling places with God or
the dwelling place of God is with man.
He will dwell with his
people and they will be.
He will be their God and he will
wipe away every tear from their eyes.
So the, where we're headed is
a, uh, a space and a place.
In which the God of the universe dwells,
manifests his presence in the midst of
his people so much so that tears are wiped
away, that pain goes away, that mourning
is no more, uh, so much so that, that
it says that we won't even need the sun.
Because he himself will be our life.
That's where we're headed.
And so I see this thread.
It's just been, it's just, it's really
just marked me the last several months and
even years that God's pride, like almost
his core desire outside of glorifying his
own name, uh, is that is, is this desire
to dwell in the midst of his people.
Now there's a pattern for that.
And, uh, we could get
into that another time.
But you can see the pattern in
Exodus 25 and on as God Yahweh
gives Moses the blueprints for
the pattern for the tabernacle.
But one of the pieces of that
story I want to share briefly
is in the book of Numbers.
When you look at the beginning of
Numbers, Um, you see how the camp of
Israel is set up and you get tribes
organized all in these different areas.
But the, the, the anchor to the
entire design of the camp of
Israel, the core, the center that
all of their society was to orient
themselves around was the tabernacle.
It was the presence of almighty God.
It was Him, everything that they did,
their life, their, their ministry,
their test of testimony, their witness,
um, how they were even directed, where
they went, what they did, everything
was centered on the presence of God.
Um, not on, A theology of God,
but on like the person of God
unveiling himself in their midst.
And we get better language for this.
When Moses in Exodus 33, God basically
says, I'm going to send you on, but
I'm not coming with you for your
stubborn and rebellious people that had
just sacrificed the, or they had just
started worshiping the golden calf.
And he says, all right, I'm sending
an angel, but I'm not going with you.
But you'll have victory.
You'll have success.
And you'll destroy your enemies,
but I'm sending an angel.
I'm not going with you.
And Moses says in Exodus
33, Lord, isn't it?
You're going with us.
That makes us distinct among the nations.
It wasn't their inheritance of the
land, the promised land that made them
distinct, according to Moses, according
to Moses, what made them distinct.
was the presence of God in their
midst, um, not dwelling above them,
not dwelling in front of them and
leading them, but a God who literally
permeated their entire society.
Um, and, and so in Numbers, you
see that all these tribes are are
set up some on the east side of the
tabernacle, some on the south, some
on the west, some on the north.
And it not only shows them where
they're to be, but what, which specific
sections of the Levites are supposed
to dwell where and what their jobs are.
And when the cloud just, um,
kind of rises, the cloud of the
presence, the glory of God, um,
rises above the tabernacle and
moves on, there's a specific.
Order that the people of Israel are
to, to, to pack up and leave there.
That goes from the East goes first, the
South goes next and then the tabernacle,
then those that were dwelling on the West
and then those dwelling on the North.
I know these are like, I'm being
very granular and specific one.
Cause I kind of nerd out and it's, it's
fun to think through all the specifics
because, because God cared enough to
tell them exactly what he wanted them
to do and how he wanted things to roll.
That is the nature of God.
He's like, I care.
This is not random.
It's not arbitrary.
These are the ways I want things
set up and you could go in.
Oh man, this will preach.
I'm just trying to remember it now.
Uh, in fact, let's just look, maybe this
is what the Lord wanted me to share.
Um, in, in numbers, you go
to the beginning and you see
which tribes are on each side.
Let me see if I can remember this.
So there's four main tribes that the
banners of the standard of those camps
are the ones that are flying high
on each side of the tabernacle, the
tent of meeting on the east side is
the standard of the camp of death.
Judah, Judah, uh, if you go back to the
blessing that Joseph gave to Judah, the
blessing he gave to Judah, uh, is that
he would the scepter of righteousness.
The rule, basically the kingship,
the rightful kingship of the, the
King of Israel will come from Judah.
So when you see Judah's standard, why
did God want Judah's standard flying
on the east of the tent of meeting?
Because God, the presence of God, God
himself, when we're talking about God's
presence, we're talking about God himself.
God himself is the king of the people.
He is the king.
And remember, all of this speaks of Jesus.
This speaks of Jesus.
So when you see Judah on the east of
the Tent of Meeting, the tabernacle
where God's presence would dwell in the
midst of his people, what God is trying
to communicate is that my coming son,
Jesus, who is, uh, this tabernacle is
a shadow of, he is the rightful king.
Okay, what about the
standard on the south?
The standard of the camp of Reuben is
on the south of the tent of meeting.
If you look back at the blessing of
Reuben, Reuben was the firstborn.
What does the book of
Colossians call Jesus?
The firstborn among creation.
Firstborn that he might be preeminent.
So this speaks of Jesus.
Why did God choose Reuben to be on
the South and for his standard to be
the one flown and revealed to the tent
and to all who were surrounding it?
Because God is trying to speak of
his son who will become the firstborn
among all creation, the preeminent one.
And then you go on the West, it's Ephraim.
What, why would God choose Ephraim as
the one whose standard would, uh, dwell
and be, uh, what is the word flown?
I don't know.
The standard of the camp that was obvious
to them, uh, was the standard of Ephraim.
And if you remember Ephraim, uh,
man, I'm going to mess this up.
Hold on.
In Genesis 48, Joseph comes to his
father, Jacob, and asks him to bless
Ephraim, um, and to bless Manasseh.
And, uh, who are his sons.
So the tribe of Joseph actually gets
split into two, Ephraim and Manasseh.
You're getting a history lesson.
I didn't even know I was going to do this.
Um, this is what happens
when you, uh, are a nerd.
Um, so they, they, he brings
Ephraim and Jacob says Ephraim
and Manasseh shall be as mine.
Basically, uh, he's claiming
them as his own kids.
Um, uh, and so Joseph takes
them both, Ephraim in his right
hand towards Israel's left hand.
Hand in Manasseh and left in his left hand
toward Israel's right hand and brought
them near him and Israel stretched out
his right hand and laid it on the head
of Ephraim, who was the younger and his
left hand on the, on the head of Manasseh,
crossing his hands and he blessed
Joseph and said, uh, so on and so forth.
He blesses Joseph.
Uh, and then when Joseph saw that
his father laid his right hand on the
head of Ephraim, it displeased him.
And he took his father's hand to move
it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's.
And Joseph said, not this way, my
father, since this is the one of the
firstborn, this is the firstborn,
put your right hand on his head.
But his father refused and said, I know
my son, I know he also should become
a people and he also shall be great.
Nevertheless, his younger brother shall
be greater than he and his offspring
shall become a multitude of nations.
So here's what's happening.
Ephraim and Manasseh are
brought to Jacob by Joseph.
And Joseph, or I'm sorry, Jacob
blesses Ephraim as if he is the
firstborn rather than Manasseh,
who is the older one, right?
So normally in that society, you would
bless the older one, the older one
would get the inheritance and receive
the promises and all that stuff.
But he's switching it here to Ephraim.
And he's basically using the same
language God used with Abraham.
His offspring shall become
a multitude of nations.
Ephraim is the one who would receive
the promise of Abraham and that promise
of Abraham would flow through Ephraim.
So why was Ephraim on the
West side of the tent?
And why was his standard,
the one flying in the camp?
Because God is trying to say, my
son, Jesus will come and he will
fulfill the promise of Abraham.
And from him will spring
up multitudes of nations.
Jesus is the promised one.
So the manifest presence of
God dwelling in the tent.
Of meeting in the tabernacle, uh, every,
all of society in Israel is oriented
around the presence of God in this
tent of meeting and one of the shining
characteristics that God himself wants
to be known about this tent of meeting
this tabernacle, what he wants them to
know about himself is that he is going
to send someone later who will fulfill
this tent of meeting and will be the one
of the promise that comes from Abraham.
I hope this is tracking.
I hope this is making sense.
And then on the north of the camp is
Dan and, uh, and Dan, uh, if you read
the blessing says he shall judge his
people as one of the tribes of Israel
and, and, and Jesus will come as
the judge the first time he came and
the second time he'll come as judge.
And so you see, why am I saying this?
I'm saying this because all of
Israel oriented their entire lives.
Around the very presence of Almighty
God, and God had a very specific way
he wanted to dwell in the midst of his
people, and he named the 12 tribes, the
12 sons of Jacob, very specific things,
and Joseph, Jacob gave them all blessings
that were blessings according to the
heart of God, and that heart of God
communicated to the people something about
his son, Jesus, who is the heart of God.
And he is the one who would dwell in the
tabernacle in the midst of his people.
He is the one that would come and he
would come and he would be the rightful
king, the firstborn among all creation.
He would be the promised one
who would fulfill the promise of
Abraham and he will be the judge
of the people and of all creation.
This is nuts, guys.
Everything in the tabernacle, everything
in the Old Testament speaks of Jesus.
Every detail speaks of the Son
of God, Jesus Christ, who would
come, and for us, who has come.
And then you read, and this is
what I've been meditating on,
um, the last couple of weeks.
You read in Luke chapter 10, when Mary
and Martha invite Jesus into their home.
Martha welcomed Jesus into her
house, and she had a sister called
Mary, and this is what Mary did.
Mary sat at the Lord's feet.
And listened to his teaching, but
Martha was distracted with much
serving and she went up to him and
said, Lord, do you not care that my
sister has left me to serve alone?
Tell her then to help me,
but the Lord answered her.
Martha, you are anxious and troubled about
many things, but one thing is necessary.
Mary has chosen the good portion,
which will not be taken away from her.
This is the same thing we see in numbers.
God, in numbers, said, I want you to
orient all of your society, and I want all
of your attention, all of your affection,
all of your resources, everything about
you to be oriented around my own presence.
And then here you see two
women, Mary and Martha.
One picks the better
portion, one, one doesn't.
One is distracted with much serving,
and one of them, Mary, orients her
whole life around the presence of God.
In the form of Jesus Christ, she
was not distracted by anything.
She was sitting at the Lord's feet
and listening to his teaching.
That is a life oriented around the
manifest presence of God through the
person of Jesus and his very own spirit.
When I think about planting a church,
when I think about what I want to
be known for in terms of what is our
reputation as a church, I want people to
walk in our church gatherings, whatever
they may look like in the future.
I want them to leave saying God was
there and I want them not only saying
God was there, but I want them to begin
to orient their entire lives around the
presence of God through the Holy Spirit.
That's what Paul would talk about
when he said, walk in the spirit.
That's what he says in Colossians 3,
when he says, seek the things that
are above, set your mind on the things
above, not on things of the earth.
What is he saying?
He's saying, orient your entire life, just
like the Israel's camp around the presence
of God, about him, seeking him, loving
him, knowing him, being intimate with
him, having fellowship with his spirit.
This is what we're called to.
This is what Mary got right.
This was the good portion, which
will not be taken away from her.
So, um, I know that was kind of a lot.
I honestly didn't mean to, or I didn't
plan on sharing that all in numbers.
I did plan on sharing in Luke 10, but
I felt like the Lord kind of connected
that there right there in the moment.
Um, and my prayer is as you've
listened to this, that the Lord
would light a fire in you, that
you would orient your life around.
of God.
Um, uh, just a couple of ways to do that.
Um, number one is first thing in the
morning, spend time with the Lord.
Um, you may do that
and that may be simple.
Maybe you've been doing that for years,
but I'm here to remind you of how
important that is, that as you wake up
in the morning, what you give your time
to at the very beginning of your day is
the tone that is set and it is the very
thing you're orienting your life around.
Um, the second thing is I would,
I would encourage fasting.
I would fast for a For a period, a week,
um, where you are saying no to the most
basic desire we have, which is food
so that you can say yes to Jesus and
you can build a hunger for him so that
your desire to have him be the center
of your life, uh, would grow and grow.
Um, and then lastly, I would
just say prioritize worship.
Um, if it means putting on YouTube, uh,
do upper room or Jesus image or your
favorite artist, put up YouTube on your
TV in the living room or go on a walk
with headphones and listen to worship.
But don't just listen
to worship, worship him.
We are worshipers.
There's a worship service happening
in heaven 24 seven right now.
We are called not just to follow
Jesus, but to worship him.
And I've noticed in my life that I
have grown in my desire to orient
my life around the presence of God.
As I have worshiped him and
song, uh, in private and it's so
intimate and so special and sweet.
So we'll just encourage
you guys with that.
Those three easy ways.
Start with the Lord in the mornings, uh,
fast from food, uh, for 24 hours or less,
depending on whatever it works for you.
Uh, and then spend time in
private worshiping the Lord.
All of those will create a hunger
for the presence of God and
will allow you to grow in your.
Uh, yeah, your desire to orient
all of your life around the very
presence of Jesus and his own spirit.
And so may the Lord bless
you and keep you this week.
Um, uh, and would he draw so near
that all the things that we're
talking about would make all the more
sense and it would just be so easy
and simple, uh, on on what to do.
So God bless you.
Love you guys.
And we'll talk to you next time.