Josh Brake: Hey, what's
going on everybody.

Good to be back with you.

And, uh, man, I just, I heard somebody
the other, uh, other day, a couple

of days ago, come up to me and say,
Hey, I've enjoyed your podcast.

And I'm like, You're
listening to my podcast.

Like I didn't even, I didn't even know.

And so I just, I'm encouraged by
all of you who are interested in

what's going on and hearing more
about this church plant and what

God is trying to do here in Dallas.

And so I received yesterday.

Um, a fresh picture of what I think
God is doing in the Dallas area.

And it was through the invitation I
received to preach at a church called the

blessing church in downtown Carrollton.

They meet in the plaza in the
little theater down there.

Really cool location.

Lots of character and their lead
pastor is Yoon and, uh, pastor Yoon

has done something really awesome
building a culture there of Presence

of expectation of hunger for God.

And I've sensed it the
moment that I walked in.

And so, uh, a couple of weeks ago I got
coffee with you and was sharing just a

little bit of my vision for the church
plant stuff that you guys all know.

You've all heard, um, building
a house of his presence, right?

Building a house that God
is pleased to dwell in.

And, um, he was like, man, I
think our church is trying to

lean into this idea of presence.

Would you mind coming and preaching that?

And I was like, man, I would love to.

And he was like, can
you preach this weekend?

And this was on a Thursday.

I was like, ah, maybe like next Sunday.

And he said, okay, great.

Next Sunday it is.

So, uh, that next Sunday was yesterday.

So I preached at nine and
11 and uh, worship was fire.

It's a two year old church plant, by
the way, two year old church plant.

And obviously a two year old church
plant means there's been a lot of,

Things in the works prior to that,
but it was, um, really, um, an honor

to be there and, uh, the worship,
they weren't just good and talented.

They were those things, but they just
knew how to seek the Lord and expect his

presence, expect him to be dwelling in
the midst of the people as they worship.

And you sensed it and man, it was
just so much love being poured out

on the Lord and being poured out.

And, uh, reciprocation from
the Lord to his people.

Um, so, needless to say, getting
up to preach was very easy.

It was very easy.

I felt like I belonged there.

I felt like I didn't even, you know, it
was 90, 99, 95 percent Korean American.

I mean, that might be the wrong
stat, but I felt so at home.

Just from the beginning of my time
there and, uh, preached a message on

the presence of God, going from creation
to the tabernacle to Jesus and to the

Holy Spirit and that God's heart is
to dwell in the midst of his people.

Not, not, he doesn't want his people to
simply believe that he is there, but he

wants them to experience him being there.

Uh, and so, um, I preached that message
and probably took, uh, 25, 30 minutes

and then, uh, just invited the spirit.

I wanted to practice it with them.

I didn't want to just say this is
true, but I wanted to invite the

spirit for us to experience him.

So we, we did.

And we waited up there and I
waited for 8 or 9 minutes and

just, we waited in silence.

The band was kind of playing softly
behind us and we waited in silence.

And, um, just, uh, I had everybody
else invite the Holy Spirit in ways

that they thought that they, you know,

That's I thought that they needed to.

And so they did.

And, um, I had a word about a right hip.

And I said, if anybody here has
pain in their right hip, I'd

love to pray for you up front.

And then I went down front.

We continued praying, uh, worshiping.

Nobody came down because I don't
think they knew that that was the

time to come down, which is fine.

Because then I got back
up to give a benediction.

And I said, Hey, I know I said right
hip, but the Lord is reminding me as

I'm down there that left hips hurt too.

I said, I started feeling
pain in my left hip.

And God was saying, there's
some of you out there that.

Think I don't have to go
receive prayer cause he said

right hip and it's my left hip.

And, uh, he's not letting you
get off the hook that easy.

So if you have pain in, uh, in
your left hip, then you need to

come up front and receive prayer.

And, uh, I was like, or, and, and
then, and then there were people that

started to, I mean, flock is maybe too
strong of a word, but almost flock.

What is almost flocking?

I don't know.

Um, they, there were, there were,
uh, at least, Oh man, I should have

written down the number, but maybe five.

At least five or so that had hip
issues, but then that opened the door

for many others with hip issue or
joint issues, any sort of joint issue.

And so me, well, this first
service, it was just me praying.

Sal eventually came second
service, but, um, I was praying

for people and it was powerful.

People were getting touched and healed
and ministered to lots of tears.

Almost everyone I prayed for
experienced some sort of touch from

the spirit, which is not surprising.

God loves his people and wants to
touch them and breathe life into them.

And he was doing just that.

There was one woman I prayed
for wrapped her first service.

Um, uh, I won't mention her name.

I don't know if she's even listening.

Um, pastor, you can put up the QR code
to get access to the church planting

newsletter website, all this stuff.

And, um, and so praying
for her and I pray for her.

Uh, her, her wrists and her hip joints.

Um, she also tells me that she had
their first, they, her and her husband

had their first baby through IVF,
but wanted to have a natural birth

and couldn't afford IVF, and wanted
another baby, so I prayed for that.

And then, as I'm praying, she, you know,
the stuff we've been talking about on

this podcast, she begins shaking, crying,
and breathing really heavily, even just

as I'm thinking about it right now.

I'm starting to sense the presence
and touch of the spirit, even as I'm

sharing this right now in my, in my
stomach, just because it was so powerful.

And she's just like, she's
shaking, crying, breathing,

and just being ministered to
like, God is just loving on her.

And then we stopped for a second.

I say anything else you
want me to pray for?

And she said, Yeah, I actually have
epilepsy and I've had it for a really

long time and I would love for that to go.

And so I touch her, her face and I
commanded her tongue to be loosed

and to be free in Jesus name.

And, um, she said thank you and
was like, you know, a snotty mess.

Because the Lord had been ministering
to her in really powerful ways.

I don't know what happened.

Maybe I'll hear how she is later.

I'd love to.

I'd love to hear that.

Maybe I'll, I'll have to catch
up with Pastor Yoon to see if

he's got any follow up for me.

Um, so that was really powerful.

And then second service and it was just
as great, almost just better just cause

you'd been in it for a little while.

And, um, uh, I didn't have a word of
knowledge per se, but I did, I did

Feel like God was present to heal.

And it was like an invitation for
anybody who wanted to receive healing.

It's like in Luke four, I think,
when Jesus is in the synagogue, he's

preaching and it says that the power
of the Lord was with him to heal.

And it felt like the power of the Lord
was with us to heal during second service.

And I felt that first service with the
hip thing, but I think that opened up

maybe just greater pathways for healing.

Does that the language might not
make sense, but I really felt

like God wanted to heal people.

It didn't matter what the word was.

Anybody who had any sort of issue,
God wanted to touch and heal.

So we invited anybody and again,
there was a line 1520 deep.

Probably it's a church of 180.

Uh, well, the service
had 180 or so, maybe 160.

It's hard to count 160 in it.

And it's like kind of
small little theater thing.

So for the theater, it was maxed out.

It was pretty much you couldn't
fit anybody else in there.

Um, and, um, and so he, uh.


hold on.

I lost my train of thought.

Um, yeah, so yeah, there's like 15
20 to come down and I kid you not

there were about 4 to 5 that came
up for prayers related to shame.

These were all people who had previously
been baptized not too long ago, and

they were struggling with the enemy
was bringing up things from their past

and was bullying them and was trying to
convince them they were still that person.

And it was, you know, I was doing a
little bit of equipping like, Hey,

you don't have to listen to that.

You have authority over those thoughts.

He can't speak to you.

You're God's.

You don't belong to him.

And there was some appreciation for that.

And every person I prayed for
just felt lighter and peace.

You know, all that, which what God
does, there was one in particular

that was really, really powerful.

I won't go into all the details, but she
basically, I mean, she manifested a demon.

Uh, and it was the full manifestation.

I've never seen this before in person.

I've seen some stuff on YouTube, but
there's a full manifestation of a

demon of shame the spirit of shame and
what do I mean by full manifestation

you see Like jesus, uh cast out the
legion Um and send this the man who

is by the tombs cutting himself.

No one can withstand Withhold him
or with or nobody can hold him down.

He's too strong.

Jesus says, what's your name?

He says legion.

He's like talking to the demonic spirit.


And so me and pastor union at
the time, uh, to make, I don't,

I don't want to go into all the
details and how it all happened, but

essentially we got out of this demon.

We talked to it and we asked it what
its name was and how it got there.

Uh, and we asked the woman that was
manifesting if she wanted to repent

and confess and turn from this
sin that she was struggling with.

And she said, yes.

And when she repented and expressed her
heart's desire to turn from her sin,

the demon had no more power over her
and we commanded it to go and it left.

And there were four or five, six of
us surrounding her, praying for her.

And, um, it was so powerful.

She was oppressed by a spirit of shame.

And now today she is free of shame.

That's the power of the gospel.

People might wonder, why
do you emphasize Power.

Um, why do you emphasize
ministry of the Holy Spirit?

That's why.

Because that woman who was oppressed
by a spirit of shame is now set

free by the power of Jesus Christ.

And there's nothing like that when
you see someone who had been oppressed

for so long Who is feeling a blockage
in her relationship with the lord and

didn't know why and the lord reveals the
blockage to me Via the holy spirit and

through her discernment and we partner
with the lord and see her set free and

then you see her crying And relieved
and smiling and looks her count is

just so much lighter when you see it.

You're like, this is it
This is the kingdom coming.

This is what god meant.

This is what jesus meant when he said
the kingdom's at hand You And, um,

it's one of those moments you're like,
I'll get, I'll get my life to this.

I'll do this all day, every day.

And, um, even to this moment, I'm still
kind of running on the spiritual high

of that whole moment and the whole
morning and then went that night and

I preached the same message to their,
our Sunday night group and prayed

for somebody, uh, prophetically.

And, um, I think he said he felt really
loved and he's newer to the church.

So it was a really cool
thing to do for him.

And I just, man, so I started this
story by telling you, I got a picture

of what God is doing in Dallas.

I think God is doing this in Dallas.

I think he wants to pour out his spirit
and he wants to bring renewal and revival

through, through healing and deliverance.

And he wants people to awaken to
the realities of the Holy Spirit,

who is the promise of the gospel,
the promise of the father that we

received when we accept Jesus and get
baptized, we received the Holy Spirit.

Uh, and he gives us all the things we
need to do ministry and power to set

people free and see the kingdom come.

This is what he's doing.

And this is what I want this
church plant to be about.

I want it to be about seeing people
meet Jesus by the power of the Holy

Spirit and for them to experience
breakthrough in their life in ways

they've been wanting for a long time
and haven't been able to find it.

And, um, I'm very, very excited.

I mean, yesterday was
a big milestone for me.

I'll like just speak on a personal note.

Um, when I first got immersed in the
Holy Spirit and the love of God through

Jesus by the power of the Spirit became
real to me about three or four years ago.

Um, when I first.

I experienced that I quickly begin to
have a desire to see healing happen

and then over time deliverance.

And then you look up at these people who
have these really prolific ministries

and they're prolific because of the power
present, not because of the personalities,

his power over personalities.

In fact, it's power despite
personality sometimes.

Um, but I think I, I see those ministries
and I want it not because I want, I

promise this is not about platform.

Um, because I would do this with a
small group for the rest of my life.

Um, it's not about platform.

It's about seeing the kingdom come.

And I've been praying for this stuff
to happen for, for, for so long.

I mean, so long, three, four years as
people that have prayed for it longer.

But I'm just saying from on a personal
note yesterday, I think I really got a

glimpse of what God is trying to do in
Dallas and through this church plant.

And, uh, through my wife and I and the
launch team, and I'm committed to being a

leader who equips people in those things.

To be able to move with the power
of the Holy Spirit in a crowd or in

a group or in a one on one, be able
to discern and be sensitive to the

Spirit in the moments that we need
him most, to minister to people at

their point of need, so that we as a
church can stop outsourcing everything

we were originally intended to do.

which is minister to people in power
to bring healing, deliverance, renewal,

awakening, um, get people on the right
track purpose and all of those things.

I want to meet people at their point
of need by the power of the spirit.

And, um, so I'll always
remember October 13th, 2024.

I have a lot of things written
down and a lot of stories.

And so I would love if any of what I'm
saying is stirring you guys, if you feel

Uh, like your heart is being grabbed
in some way, uh, and you're encouraged.

Maybe you, you're getting pictures,
visions, words from God, uh, scripture.

Please email this.

I want to hear, I want, I don't think
I'm the only one that's hearing God

about this move, God's church plan.

I know there's others hearing
him about it and I want to

know what you guys are hearing.

And so please email me and let me know.

Uh, what, what you are thinking
and what you're hearing.

And as always, if you're interested
in being on the launch team, please

let me know if you're interested
in partnering financially with us,

you can reach out to me, I'd love
to have a one on one with you.

Uh, you can also go to my website.

There's a link there.

You can actually give, give there.

Um, but that's.

That's a means to an end, right?

We're doing kingdom ministry work,
and we need all the help we can get

with people with finances of prayer.

And so, um, I just encouraged and may the
grace of God, uh, and the grace of Jesus

and the love of God and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit be with you guys.

Love you all.

Thanks for tuning in again.

And I'm praying that you guys are
released to do powerful ministry

in this world by the kingdom.

Love you all.

Creators and Guests

Josh Brake
Josh Brake
Lead Pastor at Breakthrough Church
2024 Josh Brake